Robert Vannoy
Topic |
Library | Type | Author | Title |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament Theology #01 (1990). Introduction to course.
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament Theology #02
(1990). The idea of Biblical Theology.
Gerhard Hassel.
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament Theology #03
(1990). Questions on Hasel's Theology #1
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament Theology #04
(1990). Questions on Hasel's Theology #2
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament Theology #05
(1990). Answers to Hasel Syll p14-22
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament Theology #06
(1990). Answers to Hasel Ch. 3
Q1. What two versions of OT history according to Von Rad? (1) Modern critical research version and (2) historical Kerygmatic version. Next time Q3. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament Theology #07
(1990). Answers to Hasel Ch. 5. Q2 how
does Willhelm Fischer view the issue? Hassel says, Fischer views that
strictly speaking only the OT is scripture; the NT brings good news.
The OT tells us What the Christ is; the NT tells us Who the Christ is.
Hassel: Seven areas of connection between OT and NT. Three ways to
approach OT from NT 1. Allegorical and Typological approach, 2.
Doctrinal approach, 3. Historical approach.
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament Theology #08
(1990). Questions on Hasels Theology Chap
3-5. Q3. How does W. Hannenberg overcome the disjunction in the 2
versions of history in Von Rad's work? What are the deficiencies in
Hannenberg's approach? How did Boltmann view the relation between
the testaments?
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament Theology #09
(1990). Walter Kaiser Quest 5-7. Last
time Kaiser Q4. What position does Kaiser take on who would dwell in
the tents of Shem in Gen. 9:27? Q5 What are the four key tension points
that Kaiser sees? Q6, Q7.
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament Theology #10
(1990). Walter Kaiser (2). Q7 What five
passages suggest that the covenant is unconditional? This is NOT the
last tape???
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