Robert Vannoy
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*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #01 Introduction
time Wellhausen JEDP. Natural religion (JE) vs Prophetic religion (D)
Priestly religion (P). Gunckel Gattung. Formgeschichte. Legends in
Genesis: Etiological legends. Ethnical legends: stories evolved to
explain things (but they are fictitious); Etymological legends
(fictional meanings of names); ceremonial legends. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #02 Introduction
time Wellhausen, Gunckel, von Rad. 2. Concessionary evangelicalism: one
can hold onto the central message of scripture without asserting
inerrancy (i.e. historical accuracy). H.M.Keitert Do you Understand
what you Read? |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #02x Introduction
time 3.f Discussion of the special characteristics of OT history
writing. (1) OT History is to be viewed as redemptive history. Purpose
is to describe what God has done in history to reveal himself and to
redeem his people. (2) Linear concept of history embodied in the OT and
its implications. (Linear = History is a meaningful process moving
towards a goal). |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #03 II.A. Primeval Chronology
time finished I. II. A. Primeval Chronology. In Biblical narrative
chronological relationships are not necessarily of primary importance.
Example: How to date Abraham? William Henry Greene, Primeval
Chronology; B. B. Warfield On the Antiquity of the Human Race. Five
propositions: 1. The idea that man is of recent origin has no basis in
scripture. 2. The attempt to date the creation of man based on biblical
data is an invalid procedure. 3. The geneaologies of Genesis 5 and 11
do not have the purpose of chronology, but of descent. They did not
require a complete record of descendence. "beget" = ancestor, not
necessarily immediate. "son" = descendent, not necessarily immediate.
Abridgment is the general rule in genealogy. Emphasis is on line of
descent, not chronology - I Chr. 26:24; I Chr 6:1-3; Num. 3:39; I Chr.
6:3-14 and Ezra 7:1-5 parallel genealogies - 6 names omitted. 4.
Numbers introduced may give an impression of chronological
significance, but in reality they have no bearing on this, but only
indicate life span and give child-bearing years. 5. (next hour) |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #04 II.B. Primeval Chronology ;
III.A. Creation
5. If
you total they years of Genesis 11 as if chronological, then Shem would
still be living at the time of Abraham. No evidence of a flood in
Mesopotamia in the 1000 years prior to Abraham (about 2000 BC). Further
there are continuous historical records here and in Egypt going back
beyond 3500 BC. II. B. A Few Additional Considerations. 1. Strict
genelogy not necessary conclusion of the Biblical account, and is not a
theological issue. 2. Table of Nations. How could all of these develop
in the time implied by a strict chronology? 3. The Bible itself does
not combine the number of years in the genealogy. III. The World Before
Abraham: Primeval History, Gen. 1-11 A. Creation of the Universe Gen
1:1-2:3. 1. General Teaching about God. a. God's existence is assumed.
(Contrast with extra-biblical mythologies) b. Monotheism is
presupposed. 2. General teaching about the Universe 3. General
Tteaching about Mankind. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #05 III.A.4 Gen, 1:1 - 2:3
God is the Omnipotent Creator of the Universe. Heb. 11:3 d. God is
separate from his Creation. Not a nature god. 2. General teaching about
the universe. a. The universe is not self-existent or divine. b. It is
not inherently evil or antagonistic to God or Man. c. The universe came
into being at the will of the divine creator. d. Its formation followed
orderly stages. 3. General teaching about man. a. an is not
self-existent or divine. b. owes his existence to a creative act of
God. c. Man comes as the culmination of the creative acts of God. d.
Man is separate from all the other elements of creation because he was
made in the image of God. 3/4/09 e. Man has divine authority or
dominion over the animal creation. 4. Interpretations of Genesis
1:1. a. Independent clause All ancient versions take it this way. b.
Subordinate clause. Most take it as subordinate to vs. 2. Some take vs.
2 as a parenthesis. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #06 III.A.6.1.a-b YOM etc (prev tape
time[ meaning of Yom=day top p2 class outline a. Usage of the word.1.
Usage in OT in general 2. Usage in the framework of Gen 1. Things that
took place on 6th day "now at last". All suggests longer period of
time.] Conclusion: Yom = A period of activity of indefinite
length rather than a solar day. B. Main types of views of the days of
Gen 1. 1. Actual days a. 24-hour solar days b. Indefinite length days.
2. Non-actual days. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #07 III.A.6-7 to B.1 Framework
time Framework Hypothesis (days of Genesis 1). 2. Non-actual days -
literary device. Frederick Delitsch The Great Deception. "The Old
Testament is full of deceptions." Babylonian Creation Story. (end of
tape missing) |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #08 III.B.1b-2-3 Eden; Gen 1 & 2
Compared; Rivers of Eden
2: A. Function of Genesis 2 in relation to Genesis 1. Is this another
account of Creation? Gen 2 not primarily a creation account. Its
subject is man and his function in the created world. A. Use of the
Hebrew word "Toledoth". B. Function of Genesis 2 in relation to Genesis
3. 2. Does Genesis 2 contradict Genesis 1? 3. Garden of Eden. a.
Location. Meaning of "head" of a river. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #09 III.B.3.b Trees of the Garden
time Gen 2 B.3 The Garden of Eden. 3.b. The Trees of the Garden.
Significance of the Tree of Life. John Calvin: A sacremental symbol of
life in fellowship with and dependence on God. Not intrinsically
life-giving. Aside on Sacraments. Tree of Life in Revelation: 2:7,
22:2. Next: Creation of Woman. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #10 III.B.4-5 Creation of Woman;
Creation of Woman. The Marriage bond. 5. What about evolution? a.
Meaning of the term. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #11 III.B-C.1-2 The Fall
3. The Fall. Its place in history. 2. Details of the Fall. a. Nature of
the test b. the serpent. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #12 III.C.2.c-f The Fall
c. The
process of surrender. 1. Injection of doubt. 2. The woman comes to
God's defense - but she sharpens the prohibition. 3. Satan flatly
accuses God of being false. 4. A mixture of truth and falsehood (it is
true but not to man's advantage). d. The suddenness of the result. 1.
Awareness of shame and nakedness. Fallen nature seeks to exploit
another person. Positive role of shame. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #13 III.D Gen 4-5 Antidiluvian
Technology; Cain, Seth, Flood
D. 2.
Antidiluvian technology. 3. Line of Cain 3. 4:16-24 J. Grescham Machen,
Christianity and Culture: Three options: Subiordinate to culture,
withdrawal from culture, consecration of culture. (TAPE DRAGS) |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #14 III.D Genesis 4-5 Cain & Abel
of Cain and Abel. 2. Antediluvian technology. Gen. 4:16ff. (tape drags) |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #15 III.E. The Flood
Sons of
God vs. Daughters of Men. Sumerian - "Sons of Gods" = royalty.
"(even) all whom they chose" = polygamy? Nephilim = hard to translate.
TWOT: 5. Historicity of the Flood account. Origin and Character of the
Biblical Flood Story. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #16 III.E.6-7 Ordinances in
Post-Diluvian World. Curse on Canaan
vs Biblical Accounts of Flood. Dimensions of the ark differ (cube vs.
proportions of modern ship). Skeleton of the accounts are clearly
related. But Why the differences? Viewpoints: a. Proto-semitic b.
Hebrew account derived from the Mesopotamian account. Von Rad: both
versions are independent arrangements of a still older tradition. 6.
Gen. 9:1-17 . Ordinances governing the Post-diluvian world. a. 9:1-7
Directions for the propagation and maintenance of human and animal
life. b. Dominion of man over the animals is reconfirmed. c. vs. 6 The
life of man is sacred (divine ordinance for the death penalty). B.
Noahic Covenant. 7. Curse on Canaan. Gen 9:20ff. cf. Lev. 18:24ff. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #17 III.E. 7. F,g Babel
Curse on
Canaan. Gen. 9:25-27 Contents of curses. F. Gen. 10 Table of
Nations. G. Gen. 11:1-9 Tower of Babel. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #18 IV
IV. The
Relation of Archaeology with Bible History. A. A general Survey of
Biblical Archaeology. B. The role of archaeology in assessing the
historical statements of the Bible. 1. Archaeological evidence is
necessarily fragmentary in nature. 2. Archaeological perspective:
evidence is tentative in nature. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #19 IV
Archaeology; V. Patriarchal Period
time Role of Archaeology. Continuing 2. Nelson Gluck - Solomon's
seaport in Ezion Geber. I Ki. 9-10. Copper Smelting in the
Arabah? interpretations changed in time. Identification of
ancient sites. Subjective inature of archaeology and literary critical
research. V. Patriarchal period. Gen. 11:27 - Gen. 50 - Generations of
Terah. Narrowing down of Biblical History. A. B.
Authenticity of the patriarchal accounts. John Bright History of Israel
p92. "The evidence gives us every right to affirm the historical
nature. The patriarchs were historical figures." Cntra. T. L. Thompson,
Abraham in History and Tadition: "Salvation history did not happen."
Good evangelical review: Essays on the Patriarvhal Narratives (1983).
Major collections: 1. Mari texts ca.1700 BC (near Babylon) - 20,000
tablets; 3. Cappadocian texts (Asia Minor) ca. 1800 BC 2. Nuzi texts
1500 BC; 4. Rasha Shamra-Ugarit 14th C BC (Syria) 5. Execration Texts
20th-19th C. BC. (Egypt) 6. Ebla texts at tel Mardikh n of Beiruit 24th
C. BC. (17000 texts "greatest archaeological find of the century"
(1975) named Sodom Gomorrah) Summary: It is evident that the
patriarchal customs described in Genesis fit in this period. Early
Hebrew names fit in a class of names current at this time. (Cf. Bright
p77-78). Terah, Joesph, Zebulum, Assher, … |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #20 V.3.b-4 Abraham's Meaning &
Redemptive Historic Method
Abraham and Hagar. Relation of doctrinal sections to Historical:
doctrinal rests on the historical, not the reverse. History is not
merely illustrative; it is the basis for doctrine. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #21 V.4.E Isaac; F. Jacob
Isaac. 1. His Birth Gen 17,18,21. 7. Isaac's Death. F. Jacob |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #22 V.C
Chronology of Patriarchs
time B. Authenticity of patriarchal accounts. C. The Chronology of the
Patriarchs. Date for Abraham varies from 21st to 15th century
(Schultz). 1. Biblical Data. For dating, must start at the kingdom
period. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #23 V.C.2-3 Summary (Patriarchs) D.
time chronololgy of patriarchal period, 2 variables: I Ki. 6:1 is 480
years as exact or schematic? Ex. 12:40 430 yrs. in Egypt. Variant:
Canaan and Egypt. Evidence for 215 years: Gal. 2:17. This class:
Sugggestion of K. A. Kitchen p53 note 97. B. Genesis 14. Who was
Amraphel? Unknown in history. Probably not Hammurabi. C. Abraham and
the Philistines. Argument from silence: lack of archaeological evidence
prior to 1200 BC. But cf. Ex. 13:17 "God led them not through the way
of the land of the Philistines -- implied Philistines were strong at
time of the Exodus. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #24 V.D.2. Abraham as our Spiritual
Father; Cont. Gen 12-15
time: 1. Abraham and the Philistines. 2. Abraham is our Spiritual
Father. "Make a name." Abrahamic covenant, Gen. 15. Ratification of the
Covenant by the Lord's covenant Oath. Meaning of Hebrew idiom,
"Cut a Covenant." |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #25 V.D.
Abraham 2. Spiritual Father Gen 17;22; b. Sign of Covenant
time Gen. 15. Gen. 15:18 Land covenant. b. The sign of God's covenant
Gen. 17:9-14. c. High point of Abraham's Faith Gen. 22. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #26 V.D.2.C Abraham. 3.a-b Lapses Gen
12,20. Abraham and Hagar
time: Abraham sacrifice Isaac. Gen 22:2. Lapses Gen 12,20. Abraham and
Hagar. Abraham's "sister" Sarah. Birth of Isaac. "according to
the time of life." |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #27 |
time F.4 Loss of Joseph. Gen. 37 5. Jacob's Blessings. Gen. 49.
Royal line in Israel Anticipated. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #28 V.F.
Jacob Haran/Peniel
Jacob. 2. Gen. 29-31 Years at Haran. 3. At Peniel. |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #29 V.G.3-4 Joseph Enters Egypt
4. Gen.
39. When did Joseph enter Egypt? |
*1 | vannoylib.ibri.org | MP3 | Vannoy, J. Robert | Old Testament History #30 V.G.4-VI.A-B Exodus Late Date
PART I -- See Exodus to Exile
for the continuation. |
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